Project Management & Supervision

To complete a complex project in a decent manner professional project management is of great importance. BT Geoconsult takes the project management upon their shoulders and guards the schedule and budget of your project meticulously. We employ specialized people with a broad range of experience. 

Contract supervision

As the construction supervisor on pipeline projects, HDD's, structural and foundation projects we aim for risk free construction.  


We can support you in your choice of contractor through tender supervision. During construction we accompany you with project control and we guard you schedule and budget.

Construction supervision

During construction we accompany our clients both onsite as well as with administrative duties. We advice you on construction specific matters and how to deal with delays or bottlenecks during the construction period.  

Monitoring of surroundings

By performing a thorough surroundings analysis an insight into possible bottlenecks like settlements, deformations or vibrations is obtained.  

Risk management and insurance claims

Building on- or subsurface may have unwanted consequences as a result of unfamiliarity of the subsurface like failing structures and significant budget overshooting. We assist clients in visualization of these risks. We also assist you with evaluating insurance claims.